2025 |
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2014 | 2013 |
2011 |2010 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 |2003 | 2002 | 2000 | 1998 |
M. Ishida, M. Uwamichi, A. Nakajima, and S. Sawai (2025) Traveling-wave chemotaxis of neutrophil-like HL-60 cells. Mol. Biol. Cell 36(2), 36:ar17, 1–20.
K. Abe, H. Hashimura, H. Hiraoka, S. Fujishiro, N. Kameya, K. Taoka, S. Kuwana, M. Fukuzawa, S. Sawai (2024) Cell–cell heterogeneity in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase biases early cell fate priming in Dictyostelium discoideum. Front. Cell Dev. Biol., 12, 10.3389/fcell.2024.1526795..
H. Hashimura, S. Kuwana, H. Nakagawa, K. Abe, T. Adachi, T. Sugita, S. Fujishiro, G. Honda, S. Sawai (2024) Multi-color fluorescence live-cell imaging in Dictyostelium discoideum. Cell. Struct. Funct., 49(2) 135-153..
Y. Shirokawa, M. Shimada, N. Shimada, S. Sawai (2024) Prestalk-like positioning of de-differentiated cells in the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. Sci. Rep. 14(1) 7677.
M. Uwamichi, Y. Miura, A. Kamiya, D. Imoto, S. Sawai (2023) Random walk and cell morphology dynamics in Naegleria gruberi. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 11, 1274127.
N. M. Totsuka, S. Kuwana, S. Sawai, K. Oka, Y. Sasakura, K. Hotta (2023) Distribution changes of non-self-test cells and self-tunic cells surrounding the outer body during Ciona metamorphosis. Dev. Dynam. 2023; 1-12.
S. Ishihara, M. Sato, H. Miyazaki, H. Saito, T. Sato, N. Fujikado, S. Sawai, A. Kotani, K. Katagiri (2023) Deletion of miR-150 Prevents Spontaneous T Cell Proliferation and the Development of Colitis. Gastro Hep Advances 2(4), 487-496.
A. Tanaka, T. Nakano, K. Watanabe, K. Masuda, G. Honda, S. Kamata, R. Yasui, H. Kozuka-Hata, C. Watanabe, T. Chinen, D. Kitagawa, S. Sawai, M. Oyama, M. Yanagisawa, T. Kunieda (2022) Stress-dependent cell stiffening by tardigrade tolerance proteins that reversibly form a filamentous network and gel. PLoS Biology 20 (9), e3001780.
K. Yamamoto, H. Miura, M. Ishida, Y. Mii, N. Kinoshita, S. Takada, N. Ueno, S. Sawai, Y. Kondo, K. Aoki (2021) Optogenetic relaxation of actomyosin contractility uncovers mechanistic roles of cortical tension during cytokinesis. Nat. Commun. 12 (1), 7145.
G. Honda, N. Saito, T. Fujimori, H. Hashimura, M. J. Nakamura, A. Nakajima, S. Sawai (2021) Microtopographical guidance of macropinocytic signaling patches. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 118 (50), e2110281118.
N. Saito, S. Sawai (2021) Three-dimensional morphodynamic simulations of macropinocytic cups. iScience 24 (10), 103087.
M.K. Wakai, M.J. Nakamura, S. Sawai, K. Hotta, K. Oka (2021) Two-Round Ca2+ transient in papillae by mechanical stimulation induces metamorphosis in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis type A. Proc. R. Soc. Lon. B Biol. Sci. 288 (1945), 20203207.
S. Ishihara, T. Sato, R. Sugioka, R. Miwa, H. Saito, R. Sato, H. Fukuyama, A. Nakajima, S. Sawai, A. Kotani, K. Katagiri (2021) Rap1 Is Essential for B-Cell Locomotion, Germinal Center Formation and Normal B-1a Cell Population. Frontiers in Immunology 12, 2079.
D. Imoto, N. Saito, A. Nakajima, G. Honda, M. Ishida, T. Sugita, S. Ishihara, K. Katagiri, C. Okimura,Y. Iwadate, S. Sawai. (2021) Comparative mapping of crawling-cell morphodynamics in deep learning-based feature space. PLoS Computational Biology 17 (8), e1009237.
S. Ishihara, T. Sato, G. Du, D. Guardavaccaro, A. Nakajima, S. Sawai, T. Kataoka, K. Katagiri (2020) Phosphatidic acid-dependent localization and basal de-phosphorylation of RA-GEFs regulate lymphocyte trafficking. BMC Biol. 18, 75.
T. Fujimori, A. Nakajima, N. Shimada, S. Sawai (2019) Tissue self-organization based on collective cell migration by contact activation of locomotion and chemotaxis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 116, 4291-4296.
H. Senoo, Y. Kamimura, R. Kimura, A. Nakajima, S. Sawai, H. Sesaki, M. Iijima (2019) Phosphorylated Rho–GDP directly activates mTORC2 kinase towards AKT through dimerization with Ras–GTP to regulate cell migration. Nature cell biology 21 (7), 867-878.
K. Kamino, Y. Kondo, A. Nakajima, M. Honda-Kitahara, K. Kaneko, S. Sawai (2017) Fold-change detection and scale-invariance of cell-cell signaling in social amoeba. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 114, E4149-E4157.
A. Nakajima, M. Ishida, T. Fujimori, Y. Wakamoto, S. Sawai (2016) The Microfluidic lighthouse: an omnidirectional gradient generator. Lab Chip 16, 4382-4394.
A. Miki, J. Galipon, S. Sawai, T. Inada, K. Ohta (2016) RNA decay systems enhance reciprocal switching of sense and antisense transcripts in response to glucose starvation. Genes to Cells 21, 1276-1289.
S. Kuwana, H. Senoo, S. Sawai and M. Fukuzawa (2016) A novel, lineage-primed prestalk cell subtype involved in the morphogenesis of D. discoideum. Dev. Biol. 416, 286-299.
F. Fukujin, A. Nakajima, N. Shimada and S. Sawai (2016) Self-organization of chemoattractant waves in Dictyostelium depends on F-actin and cell–substrate adhesion. J. Roy. Soc. Interface 13, 20160233.
A. Nakajima, S. Ishihara, D. Imoto and S. Sawai (2014) Recified directional sensing in long range cell migration. Nat. Commun. 5, 5367.
J. A. Brzostowski, S. Sawai, O. Rozov, X. Liao, D. Imoto, C. A. Parent and A. R. Kimmel (2013) Phosphorylation of chemoattractant receptors regulates chemotaxis, actin re-organization, and signal-relay. J. Cell Sci. 126, 4614-4626.
K. Fujimoto and S. Sawai (2013) A design principle of group-level decision making in cell populations. PLoS Comp. Biol. 9(6): e1003110.
D. Taniguchi‡, S. Ishihara‡, T. Oonuki, M. Honda-Kitahara, K. Kaneko and S. Sawai (2013) Phase geometries of two-dimensional excitable waves govern self-organized morphodynamics of amoeboid cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 110, 5016-5021. (‡ Equal contribution)
K. J. McQuade, A. Nakajima, A. N. Ilacqua1, N. Shimada and S. Sawai. (2013) The green tea catechin epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) blocks cell motility, chemotaxis and development in Dictyostelium discoideum. PLoS ONE 8(3) e59275.
N. Masaki‡, K. Fujimoto‡, M. Honda-Kitahara, E. Hada and S. Sawai (2013) Robustness of Self-Organizing Chemoattractant Field Arising from Precise Pulse Induction of Its Breakdown Enzyme: A Single-Cell Level Analysis of PDE Expression in Dictyostelium. Biophys. J. 104, 1191–1202. (‡ Equal contribution)
K. Kamino, K. Fujimoto and S. Sawai (2011) The collective oscillations in developing cells: Insights from simple systems. Dev. Growth Diff. 53, 503-517.(review article)
T. Gregor, K. Fujimoto, N. Masaki and S. Sawai (2010) The onset of collective behavior in social amoebae. Science 328, 1021-1025.
N. Shimada, K. Inoue, S. Sawai and T. Kawata (2010) SunB, a novel SUN domain-containing protein required for development of Dictyostelium discoideum. Dev. Growth Diff. 52, 577-590.
S. Sawai, X.-J. Guan, A. Kuspa and E.C. Cox (2007) High-throughput analysis of spatiotemporal dynamics in Dictyostelium. Genome Biology 8, R144.
M. Zhang, M. Goswami, S. Sawai, E.C. Cox, D. Hereld (2007) Regulation of G protein-coupled cAMP receptor activation by a hydrophobic residue in transmembrane helix 3. Mol. Microbiol. 65, 508-520.
P.T. Thomason, S. Sawai, J.B.Stock and E.C. Cox (2006) Histidine kinase homologue DhkK/Sombrero controls morphogenesis in Dictyostelium. Dev. Biol. 292, 358-370.
Y. Chen, I. Golding, S. Sawai, L. Guo and E.C. Cox (2005) Population fitness and the regulation of Escherichia coli genes by bacterial viruses. PLoS Biology 3, 1276-1282.
S. Sawai, P.T. Thomason and E.C. Cox (2005) An autoregulatory circuit for long-range self-organization in Dictyostelium cell populations. Nature 433, 323-326.
J.-P. Rieu, C. Barentin, S. Sawai, Y. Maeda and Y. Sawada (2004) Cell movements and mechanical force distribution during the migration Dictyostelium slugs. J. Biol. Phys. 30, 345-364.
J.-P. Rieu, K. Tsuchiya, S. Sawai, Y. Maeda and Y. Sawada (2003) Cell movements and traction forces during the migration of 2-dimensional Dictyostelium slugs. Journal of Biological Physics. 23, SN1-SN4.
S. Sawai, T. Hirano, Y. Maeda and Y. Sawada (2002) Rapid patterning and zonal differentiation in a two-dimensional Dictyostelium cell mass: the role of pH and ammonia. J. Exp. Biol. 205, 2583-2590.
T. Hirano, S. Sawai, Y. Maeda and Y. Sawada (2000) Rapid patterning in 2D-cultures of Dictyostelium cells and its relation to zonal differentiation. Dev. Growth Differ. 42, 551-560.
S. Sawai, Y. Maeda and Y. Sawada (2000) Spontaneous symmetry breaking Turing-type patterning in a confined Dictyostelium cell mass. Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2212-2215.
S. Sawai and Y. Aizawa (1998) Coupled Oscillators with Chemotaxis. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 67, 2557-2560.